There was some chat going on the Craftsupplies forum earlier about photo transfer images and Mary suggested using clear packing tape to transfer your image, so I gave it a try and here is the result. The crocus is the transfer image and you can see how the text is visible through the magazine image. This was a first attempt so I am sure more practice would give even better results .

Method used: choose your image from a magazine ,stick the wide clear sellotape over the image and rub down, Soak in hot water for a minute, remove and with your finger rub off the backing paper, dry and that is it .
To make up the finished card I applied ink directly to the atc ,stamped over the base with a text stamp using stazon then applied the transferred image with vellum glue roller.After I glued the transfer image to the ATC I rubbed it with some fine sandpaper ( As suggested by MM ) to take the gloss off, it makes it blend in much better.The ATC on the left is my second attempt and it worked out fine too.
Great work Jackie. These transfers are ideal for ATC's, lovely to see your versions.